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Densus 88 Uncovers Astanaanyar Sector Police Suicide Bombing Networks

By Cpiet Jumat, 04 Agustus 2023 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Surakarta. Densus 88 Antiterror Unit has uncovered suicide bombing network of Astanaanyar Sector Police in Bandung, West Java from August 1-3, 2023, the Head of the Public Affairs Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police (INP) Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan explained on Friday (8/4/23). A total of five suspects were arrested, namely S, AS alias AM, TN, PS, AG, and R. He elaborated that the initial arrest took place on August 1, 2023, in Semarang, Central Java, targeting suspect S. Suspect S, he added, was involved in various aspects of the terror activities, including aiding AG alias AM in assembling explosive materials and crafting electronic circuits (switching on/off). "S was also responsible for delivering the prepared explosive materials to AG alias AM and providing funding of Rp6 million to finance the preparatory actions," he said. He stated that Densus 88 extended law enforcement efforts to TN in Sukoharjo, Central Java. TN played a role in facilitating the connection between AG alias AM and S, besides being privy to AG alias AM's terror action plans. "He also assisted S in assembling explosive materials," he said. A day later, he revealed that Densus 88 arrested PS on August 3, 2023, in Boyolali, Central Java. PS was identified as aiding TN in the disposal of evidence linked to bomb-making. On the same day, Densus 88 arrested AG in Sukoharjo, Central Java. He was acquainted with AG alias AM's terror action plan, part of the S group, and contributed funding through the SAHABAT UMAT charity box. "AG is also a member of the Whatsapp group 'Team Penyelamat' (Rescue Team)," he said. The last suspect arrested was R, AG's wife, on August 3, 2023, in Boyolali, Central Java. "Throughout the operation, Densus 88 successfully confiscated several pivotal pieces of evidence, encompassing electronic equipment, chemical substances, and tools used for assembling explosive materials," he explained. Head of Operational Department of Densus 88 Antiterror Unit Police Senior Superintendent Aswin Siregar added that they would conduct interrogations and forensic laboratory examinations on the confiscated evidence. Moreover, they are committed to mapping the terrorist network and continuing their law enforcement efforts against other suspects involved in the suicide bombing plot. (ay/hn/um)
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