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Dirlantas Polda Sulsel Visits Baranti State Junior High School 1 in His Vaccine Inspection

By Cpiet Jumat, 11 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Sidrap. The Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) of the South Sulawesi Provincial Police (Polda Sulsel), Commissioner Faizal, S.I.K., M.H., accompanied by several of his staff, visited a junior high school in Sidrap Regency. The school he visited was Baranti State Junior High School 1, on Thursday (10/03/22). In his visit, the Dirlantas Polda Sulsel handed over free SNI helmets to teacher representatives, jackets to student representatives, and also masks. He also gave chocolate parcels to students. "In his remarks, Dirlantas Polda Sulsel said that students are expected to obey the traffic laws, always wear their helmets, and do not be involved in illegal racing, be the pioneers of traffic safety on the road. Because in 2021, hundreds of students have become victims of traffic accidents," explained the Directorate of Traffic Polda Sulsel. On the same occasion, Dirlantas Polda Sulsel also directly inspected a vaccination program that was held in the school. Dirlantas Polda Sulsel accompanied the students who were about to be vaccinated while also providing chocolate parcels.
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