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Stay Vigilant Against the Threat of Terrorism

By Cpiet Jumat, 11 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Sukoharjo. We have to stay vigilant against the threat of terrorism. The threat is always present and came unpredictably. Fortunately for us, the Police are always committed to their work. Last Wednesday night (9/3/22), Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Counter-terrorism Police got involved in a car chase with an alleged terrorist from Sukoharjo. The alleged, Sunardi, had crashed his car into the front of a resident's house in the Cendana area until it was damaged. Because of retaliation from Sunardi, Densus 88 were forced to neutralize him on the spot. Previously, Densus 88 arrested 11 suspected terrorists on Monday (7/3/22). The suspected terrorists were arrested in two different provinces, Six in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and five others in Lampung Province. It is clear, that the threat of terrorism is real and dangerous. At the beginning of the year, acts of terrorism took place in front of the Cathedral Church, Makassar, and in the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta. The public is advised to stop creating conspiratory arguments that are baseless, irresponsible, and worsening the situation. It is suspected that the surging threat of terrorism is related to the return of Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are members of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) abroad, through illegal ways. Other than that, there is the phenomenon of lone-wolf terrorism. This has also increased in recent times due to the spread of radicalism on social media. Other terror threats are the attack against the state symbols, the use of new social media platforms, and the hacking of government institutions. There are allegations that terrorist groups want to get support from parties working inside the government sector, including State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), to take advantage of the resources owned by the state. This rumor should not be underestimated, some of the suspects that have been arrested by the authorities, have worked in official institutions. This is a step up from the terrorist groups considering they did not allow its members to join government institutions before, just like the oath of three perpetrators for the Bali bombings, Ali Gufron alias Muklas, Imam Samudra, and Amrozi, who forbade their families to join the civil institution service.
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