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Disaster Expert Highlights the Importance of Mitigation Plan for Indonesians Abroad

By Pramudita Rabu, 18 September 2024 Pengunjung (19) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Disaster expert, Adi Maulana, emphasized the importance of disaster mitigation for Indonesian citizens (WNI) working abroad. This is a form of preparedness in facing disasters in the countries where they live.


"This issue is not often discussed. In fact, providing disaster mitigation education to Indonesian citizens abroad is very important," he said, as reported by the RRI page, Saturday (9/14/2024).


According to him, there are a number of crucial reasons for the importance of this disaster mitigation education. This is related to safety and understanding of local culture as well as preparedness.


"This is the reason why this education is very necessary. For example, for safety and protection of lives," he explained.


In his statement, he revealed that each country has different disaster potentials. Such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and floods.


"So it is very important for Indonesian citizens who visit certain countries. Maybe they are not used to the types of disasters that occur there," he said.


Furthermore, he also believes that this disaster education will help Indonesian citizens understand the risks involved. Thus, Indonesian citizens will know how to protect themselves if a disaster occurs in the country they are visiting.


"Most importantly, they must be informed about procedures, evacuation and emergency measures. Because Indonesian citizens are often not familiar with evacuation procedures," he explained.


At the end of the opportunity, he said that this was because the level of disaster literacy in Indonesia is still very low. Compared to other countries.


"So, it is important for them to be informed. Especially about evacuation procedures and emergency measures," he explained.



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