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Transportation Ministry Formed MCC to Boost Shipping Safety Effectiveness

By Pramudita Rabu, 18 September 2024 Pengunjung (198) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Transportation has formed the Maritime Data Integration Center (MCC) to improve coordination and effectiveness of shipping safety. The MCC is operated 24 hours a day by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation.


"We have formed this MCC to become Indonesia's maritime data integration center which will be operated 24 hours a day. Its operation is carried out by personnel from the Directorate of Navigation and personnel from the Directorate of the Sea and Coast Guard (KPLP)," said the Director General of Sea Transportation, Antoni Arif Priadi on Saturday (9/14/2024).


In his statement, he stated that the MCC will receive and convey shipping safety information in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. KM 22 of 2024.


In addition, the MCC will hold daily regional data center meetings covering the Eastern, Central and Western Regions.


"The MCC also provides data and information on monitoring, supervision, security and safety of shipping, and protection of the maritime environment in Indonesian waters. Then identify and detect the presence of ships and ship movements in real time in Indonesian waters and international waters," he said.


Furthermore, he said that MCC will implement communication and reporting procedures in an emergency according to the Decree of the Director General of Sea Transportation. MCC has coordinated the broadcast of Shipping Safety Information and integrated it with the Coastal Radio Station owned by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation.


"To optimize MCC operations, of course, support and cooperation from all related Ministries and Institutions are needed in order to support the duties and functions of MCC. So that in the future we will continue to improve coordination and collaboration with related agencies," he concluded.



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