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Ditresnarkoba Polda Sumbar Received an Award from the National Police Chief

By Cpiet Jumat, 10 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (11) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The West Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumbar) received an award from the National Police Chief. The certificate of appreciation was received by the Directorate of Narcotics Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) of Polda Sumbar which was handed over by the National Police Chief, General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc. The award was handed over by the National Police Chief to the Director of Narcotics Investigation (Dirresnarkoba) of Polda Sumbar, Commissioner Roedy Yoelianto, after opening the National Police Bareskrim Working Meeting, in Bali, on Thursday (09/06/22). "Yes, Ditresnarkoba Polda Sumbar received an award from the National Police Chief, which was received by the Director of Drug Research," said the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of Polda Sumbar, Commissioner Satake Bayu Setianto at the West Sumatra Police Headquarters. Kabid Humas Polda Sumbar said that the award was in the category of "Operational Performance and Coaching Achievements carried out by the Regional Investigation Unit.
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