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Domestic Violence Case Remains Difficult to Uncover due to Social Stigma

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (147) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. With the prominent social stigma and patriarchal culture surrounding the community, the Deputy Chairperson of Women National Commission, Olivia Chadidjah Salampessy, says it is difficult to uncover domestic violence cases in the community.

According to her, domestic violence often to be seen as domestic problems that are taboo to be discussed, which resulted in many victims, particularly women, being reluctant in reporting the case.

“Women are often required to maintain the good name of the family and their marriage, which makes many of them reluctant to report the violence that they experiencing,” explains Olivia.

In her statement, she also highlights that in several cases, victims who report the domestic violence case are often threatened even more by the abusers.

Despite the fact, Olivia still appreciates the bravery of the domestic violence victims who report the case to the authorities. Such is the case of an instagram influencer, Cut Intan, who uses her influence in Instagram to show the cruel act of her husband against her.

However, Olivia also reminds and urges other victims, particularly those who did not have access to social media, to not shy away from reporting the case to the authorities.

“This case not only happened once, this has happened many times. There is even a victim who has to gather her determination for 20 years before reporting the case to the authorities,” conclude Olivia.


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