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In Managing Traffic Order, Police Will Push AI Technology Use

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (200) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Padang. The West Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Suharyono pushed technology implementation, such as AI, in traffic law enforcement.

In his opening remarks during a Technical Working Meeting for Traffic Function, Suharyono underscores the importance of technology and information utilization in this era of advanced technology.

According to him, the rapid development in public has made the traffic and public information issues to be more complex and dynamic.

“To suppress the number of traffic accidents and violations, we are trying to improve our information technology system,” explains Suharyono on Wednesday (8/28/2024).

In his statement, he explains that the higher ups of Indonesian National Police (INP) are seriously trying to implement e-policing through creative and innovative breakthroughs such as Electronic Registration Identification (ERI), Electronic Law Enforcement (ETLE), Integrated Road Safety Management System (IRMS), digitalization of safety driving, online driving license, and others.

At the end of his statement, he stressed that in conducting police duties in the field, police personnel must be supported with competent skills in traffic management, accident handling, law enforcement, and public services in the traffic sector.


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