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East Kalimantan Police Chief Appreciates Mobile Brigade Troops

By Cpiet Selasa, 03 Januari 2023 Pengunjung (14) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id After completing 12 months of duty in the Cartenz Peace Operation in Papua and the Madago Raya Operation in Poso, Central Sulawesi, two battalions of East Kalimantan Mobil Brigade (Brimob) troops arrived back in Balikpapan. From 209 personnels in total, as many as 104 personnel were deployed to the Cartenz Peace Operation Peace in Papua and 105 personnel were deployed to the Madago Raya Operation in Poso, Central Sulawesi. The arrival of the Brimob troops was directly welcomed by Chief of the East Kalimantan Police Inspector General Imam Sugianto, Deputy Chief of East Kalimantan Police Brigadier General Mujiyono and the families of the troops at M. Yamin Field, Jenderal Sudirman Street, Stal Kuda, Balikpapan on Monday (2/1/23). In his welcoming statement, the East Kalimantan Police Chief announced that he was very proud and appreciated the hard work of the Brimob troops in successfully cracking down the East Mujahidin (MIT) group led by Askar alias Pak Guru in Gayatri Village, north coast of Poso Regency and Suhardin alias Jasan Pranata in Salubanga Hamlet, Parigi Moutong Regency. "The Brimob troops are among the Cartensz Peace Task Force that have evacuated 10 employees of PT DHR, Trans Papua road construction workers in Mangabib Village, Oksebang District, Bintang Mountains Regency," he said as quoted by prokal.co on Monday (2/1/23). The Brimob troops also involved in escorting the return of 500 refugees in Kiwirok District due to disturbances by the armed criminal groups (KKB) and restoring Kiwirok airport operations after 1 year of cessation to resume civilian flights back to normal. "They also managed to evacuate three victims who died and survived the massacre by the East Bintang Kodap group against motorcycle drivers, secure PT PLN to restore electricity in Bintang Mountains Regency, restore the security situation of Serambakon District after the burning of elementary and junior high schools so that residents' activities could returned to normal," he explained. Unit Commander of East Kalimantan Police Mobil Brigade Senior Superintendent Andy Rifai added that in the Mandigo Raya operation the contribution of the troops was quite extraordinary. Placed in a number of bulkhead posts in Poso, they succeeded in paralyzing one of the terrorist kingpins of the Ali Kalora group affiliated with Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD). "One of the wanted kingpins was successfully arrested by the troops, I think this can be a good motivation for their colleagues," he said. One personnel involved in the Cartenz Peace Operation was sent home after being shot by  the Papuan Separatist Group (KST). "One personnel went home early because he suffered from gunshot wounds," he said. (fz/hn/um)
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