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Expert Warns Social Ministry When Tidying Up DTKS

By Pramudita Minggu, 15 September 2024 Pengunjung (52) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Social Expert, Nurhadi, warned the Social Ministry to beware in tidying up the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as the data transfer involves layered information systems.

“The transformation of field data to information requires many steps. Many people are also involved,“ explains Nurhadi on Friday (9/13/2024).

In his statement, he notes several mistakes in transferring DTKS can be minimized, particularly in tidying up DTKS in remote areas.

Furthermore, he states that when the data has been gathered, officials have to make sure there are no human errors as well as paying attention to population data update.

“As we all know, factual conditions are ever changing such as those who are giving birth, passing away and moving. This is what they should pay attention to,” explain Nurhadi.

Previously, Social Minister Saifullah Yusuf vowed to make DTKS data more valid so that the distribution of aid is more transparent, far from criminal acts of corruption.


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