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Four Police Officers Promoted to Higher Ranks

By Cpiet Selasa, 27 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (17) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Four mid-ranking police officers received promotions to higher ranks in the Indonesian National Police (INP) during a ceremony led by INP Deputy Chief Commissioner General Agus Andrianto on Monday (26/2/2024). "At around 13.30 pm, the INP Deputy Chief led the promotion of the four INP officers," said Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, the Head of the Public Information Bureau of the INP Public Relations Division. The officers promoted to higher ranks were Brigadier General Adang Suherman, who serves as an intelligence agent at the INP Intelligence Bureau and Brigadier General Hisar Siallagan, who is  a high-ranking officer at the INP Education and Training Institute with an assignment at the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). In addition, Brigadier General Rudi Hananto Nugroho, who serves as an analyst and advocate in the INP Legal Division; and Brigadier General  Edfrie R. Maith, who isa high-ranking officer at the INP Education and Training Institute with an assignment at the National Border Management Agency. "Congratulations to the promoted INP officers. May they fulfill their duties with integrity," he said. Previously, on 39 December 2023, INP Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo led a promotion ceremony for 22 high-ranking officers, including five who were promoted to Inspector General  and 17 to Brigadier General. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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