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Government to Refund Peruri e-Stamp Purchasers

By Admin 1 Jumat, 06 September 2024 Pengunjung (55) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has assured refunds for those who purchased electronic stamps (e-Meterai) through Peruri's website but were unable to use them.

Peruri is the state-owned enterprise responsible for printing Indonesia's currency and other official documents. It also handles the production and distribution of electronic stamps used for various administrative and legal purposes in Indonesia.

"If users have paid but the process wasn’t completed, we will certainly provide refunds," said Deputy Minister of BUMN, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, on Thursday (5/9/2024).

It follows complaints from applicants for the 2024 Civil Servant Candidate Selection (CASN), who faced issues using the e-Meterai for registration documents, according to antaranews.com.

The website error was attributed to a surge in users accessing the platform simultaneously, overwhelming Peruri’s server. 

The Ministry of Communications and Informatics has confirmed that the system is now back online, and applicants can once again access electronic stamps for their CASN applications.



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