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Govt. Continues the Effort in Providing Access to Disabilities

By Pramudita Rabu, 02 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The President's Special Staff for Social Affairs, Angkie Yudistia, emphasized the government's continued commitment to improving accessibility for people with disabilities in the new government era.

Angkie said that the commitment is stated in Government Regulation Number 70 of 2019 concerning the Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

"The government has regulation Number 70 of 2019. One of them is to optimize buildings accessibility, not only government but also non-government buildings," said Angkie on Monday (9/30/2024).

Angkie also invites related ministries, especially the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, to ensure that buildings pay attention to the needs of people with disabilities of various types, including the physically disabled, blind, deaf, and those with sensory, motor, intellectual, mental, and multiple disabilities.

She also noted about the acceptance of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) for people with disabilities. She said that the government has set a quota for accepting workers, namely one percent for the private sector and two percent for State-owned enterprises and government agencies.

According to Angkie, this is real evidence that government policies are not only ratified, but also implemented.

"Hopefully, more and more people with disabilities can be accepted in ministries and local governments, so that an inclusive work environment is created. We hope that the private sector and State-owned enterprises will also actively participate in this," said Stafsus Angkie.

Finally, he emphasized the importance of providing opportunities for people with disabilities so that they can work according to their abilities and contribute equally in society.


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