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Mother of Ronald Tannur Named New Suspect in Bribery Case

By Admin 1 Selasa, 05 November 2024 Pengunjung (226) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian Attorney General’s Office (AGO) has named Meirizka Widjaja, the mother of Ronald Tannur, as a suspect in a bribery case linked to her son's acquittal in a murder and severe assault case of his girlfriend Dini Sera Afrianti. 

The Attorney Genera’s Office Director of Investigations Abdul Qohar announced on Monday (4/11/2024)  that her status was upgraded to a suspect after sufficient evidence surfaced during her examination.

Meirizka allegedly collaborated with lawyer LR, who is also a suspect, to influence the court's decision. The investigation revealed that she provided lawyer LR with Rp 1.5 billion, and the lawyer covered additional trial costs, totaling Rp 3.5 billion, reportedly directed to the panel of judges. 

“We found strong evidence indicating her involvement in the bribery scheme, which led to the unlawful acquittal of Ronald Tannur,” he said as quoted by antaranews.com..

Meirizka faces charges under the Anti-Corruption Law and has been detained for 20 days in Surabaya. She is the fifth suspect in this case, alongside three judges from Surabaya District Court and lawyer, LR



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