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Vice Minister Sudaryono Determines Grobogan to be the First Achieving the Food Self-Sufficiency Goal

By Pramudita Selasa, 05 November 2024 Pengunjung (190) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Vice Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono wants the increased farm products in Grobogan Regency, Central Java as he wants the region to be the first to reach food self-sufficiency goal.

"We encourage Grobogan to become the first region to achieve food self-sufficiency in the next few years," he explained on Sunday (11/3/2024).

According to him, Grobogan Regency has great potential as a buffer for national food needs. To accelerate this, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture is carrying out the Planting Acceleration Movement in an area of ​​80.1 hectares in Tambirejo Village, Toroh District.

"If next year's production increases, I promise to add assistance for agricultural machinery and seeds," he said.

On this occasion, he revealed that Grobogan Regency is recorded as the area with the highest productivity in Central Java. And it is one of the important centers for rice, corn, and soybeans.

In 2023, the rice harvest area in this area will be 129,631 hectares, with rice production (dry milled grain/GKG) reaching 678,350 tons. Meanwhile, corn production is 896,651 tons with a land area reaching 145,062 hectares.

He also appreciated the 100 percent increase in fertilizer availability in the area, and encouraged farmers to increase productivity.


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