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Govt. Push Corporations to Guarantee Workers Rights

By Pramudita Sabtu, 14 September 2024 Pengunjung (45) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Director General of Human Rights of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Dhahana Putra said that his institution will provide assistance and encourage business actors to provide human rights protection for workers to create a human rights-friendly business climate.

Dhahana says that one of the instruments used to measure the level of human rights protection for workers is the Business and Human Rights Risk Assessment (PRISMA) application.

“Currently we are trying to give assistance for our workers who have not reached the green status because in Prisma there are three status, green, yellow, and red. So we will give encouragement to our friends to reach the green status,” says Dhahana on Thursday (9/12/2024).

According to the Central Java Law and Human Rights Ministry, there are 31 companies who are listed as green in guaranteeing Human Rights protection and the ministry aims to add more of those numbers.

Later on, companies who are listed in the green category will be published as a form of appreciation for the corporations.


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