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Indonesia Deny Rumors Behind the Normalization with Israel

By Cpiet Sabtu, 13 April 2024 Pengunjung (13) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry gave its response for the rumors surrounding Indonesia intention to normalize its relationship with Israel. The move was said to enable Indonesia to join Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The spokesperson of Indonesia Foreign Affairs Ministry, Muhammad Iqbal stressed that they have no such plan. Indonesia remains stern in its support towards the independence of Palestine. "I stressed that as of now, we have no plans to open a diplomatic relationship with Israel, especially during their brutal aggression in Gaza," says Muhammad Iqbal on Thursday (4/11/2024). "Our stance remains unchanged and stern in supporting the independence of Palestina with the two-state sollution framework. Indonesia will always be consistent to be in the forefront in defending the rights of Palestinians," continued Iqbal. Iqbal further explains that the process for Indonesia to join OECD is indeed long and takes a lot of time. Iqbal says that there is still much to do for Indonesia to join OECD. "The time requirement for every states to join OECD is different from one another. It all depends on the country's preparation. Some country maybe only needs three years, some others maybe need five years to join," adds Iqbal. (ad/mz/hn/nm)
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