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Indonesia-South Korea Shares Knowledge to Enhance Electronic Based Government

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (113) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform shares insights and experiences with the South Korean Government to strengthen the electronic-based government system (SPBE).

The strengthening was carried out in the Indonesia-Korea Digital Government Cooperation (DGCC) Forum 2024. The DGCC is a form of cooperation between the two countries since 2016.

"The cooperation that began in 2016 is not only a forum for sharing experiences and knowledge, but also provides concrete support in policies and strategic steps that have accelerated digital transformation," said Deputy for Institutions and Governance of the ministry Nanik Murwati.

Nanik said the DGCC Forum has become a very productive platform for both countries to share innovative solutions and strengthen collaboration in advancing inclusive and sustainable digital transformation.

Meanwhile, the Acting Chargé d'Affaires of the South Korean Embassy to Indonesia Park Soo-deok said that Indonesia is one of the important countries for South Korea in the field of digital government.

He also said that South Korea has been working intensively with Indonesia to build a digital government in Indonesia.

"Based on experience, South Korea with a team consisting of the government and private sector is ready to work closely with Indonesia to ensure that digital transformation in Indonesia can be successfully implemented," said Chargé d'Affaires Soo-deok.

Furthermore, he hopes that the two countries can develop several strategies, such as improving public services with artificial intelligence technology or certain projects that are mutually beneficial for both countries.


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