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Govt. Held Meeting to Discuss Poverty Eradication Movement Acceleration

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (119) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf held a meeting with Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhaimin Iskandar to discuss strategic steps in accelerating poverty alleviation in Indonesia.

The Minister of Social Affairs said the meeting was primarily to realize the target of reducing extreme poverty to zero percent by 2025.

"The program targets are proposed through the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as the basis for implementation, and through the execution of three Directorates General with their respective duties and functions," said the Minister of Social Affairs on Wednesday (18/12/2024).

The meeting, he continued, was one of the coordinating steps to ensure that poverty alleviation programs run effectively and on target.

In the meeting, Minister Saifullah Yusuf explained a number of programs and work spaces have been implemented by his party with the targeted, integrated, and sustainable approach.

The Minister of Social Affairs added that poverty alleviation programs that have been implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs include the distribution of social assistance, community empowerment through the Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), and efforts to increase economic capacity for vulnerable groups and the poor.

"The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to strive to implement various comprehensive assistance programs, from social protection to social rehabilitation. We also ensure that these programs reach the community groups that need them most," added the Minister of Social Affairs.

Furthermore, the Minister of Social Affairs also emphasized the importance of cross-sector coordination so that poverty alleviation programs do not overlap and can have a significant impact on the people.

He also highlighted the need to strengthen monitoring and evaluation so that the assistance provided is right on target.

On that occasion, the meeting participants also provided various inputs related to the challenges faced in the field, such as the ongoing obstacles in aid distribution, infrastructure disparities in underdeveloped areas, and the need to increase human resource capacity in program implementation.


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