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Indonesian Youths Encouraged to Dream Big to Escape Poverty

By Admin INP Selasa, 07 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (122) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Coordinating Minister for Culture and Human Development, Pratikno invites the youths to dream and work in improving vertical mobility, particularly those from the impoverished.

The statement was conveyed by Pratikno in routine activity that was held in the Coordinating Ministry Office on Monday (1/6/2025).

He explained that the vertical mobility in question means an effort to change the status or economy, from the low-class to middle-class.

“We want to push our next generations to dare to dream, work hard, and never give up because that is the key for success. We want vertical mobility for these youths,” said Coordinating Minister Pratikno.

Furthermore, Pratikno emphasized the importance of education as a way to open up opportunities.

According to him, education is the key in providing motivation and hope to the young in achieving their dreams and escaping poverty.

Moreover, Pratikno emphasized that the state is committed to facilitating young people in achieving their dreams.

The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture assessed that with better education and wide open opportunities, young Indonesians can achieve success and bring positive changes to future generations.


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