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INP: 26 Suspected Terrorists Moved from South Sulawesi to Jakarta

By Cpiet Jumat, 05 Februari 2021 Pengunjung (19) 1 Mins Read
Jakarta - The Indonesian National Police (INP) said that 26 suspected terrorists were transferred to Jakarta for intensive examination. The 26 suspected terrorists were arrested in Gorontalo and Makassar, South Sulawesi, a few days ago. The suspected terrorists arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Thursday (4/2/2021). They were closely guarded by members of the Anti-Terror Special Detachment 88. "Today, Anti-Terror Special Detachment 88 has transferred 26 terrorism suspects in Indonesia, seven from Gorontalo and 19 from Makassar," said Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Indonesian National Police's Public Relations Division.
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Brigadier General Rusdi said of 26 suspected terrorists, 19 of them were Islam Defenders Front (FPI) members. "The 19 members who were arrested were all involved or became members of the FPI in Makassar, and they were very active in FPI activities in Makassar," Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono said. The 26 suspected terrorists were linked to the ISIS terrorist group. They are members of the terrorist network Jamaah Ansharu Daulah (JAD) South Sulawesi.
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