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INP Announces Traffic Measures for 2023 Homecoming

By Cpiet Jumat, 14 April 2023 Pengunjung (6) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. During a press conference on Friday (14/4/23), Indonesian National Police (INP) reminded the public about traffic engineering measures for the upcoming homecoming.

"One-way traffic will be applied from KM 72 Cikatama to KM 114 Kalikangkung," said the Head of Public Affairs of INP Police Senior Superintendent Nurul Azizah during a press conference on Friday (14/4/23).

The contraflow traffic will be applied from Tuesday (18/4/23) to Friday (21/4/23) from 2:00 PM until midnight from KM 72 Cikatama to KM 47 West Karawang, she added.

Furthermore, the odd-even license plate system will be applied. However, exceptions will be made for vehicles of the leaders of the Republic of Indonesia state institutions, vehicles of foreign state officials and leaders, and international institutions who are state guests. In addition, official vehicles with red license plates or military or police license plates are also exempted.

"Fire trucks, ambulances, public vehicles with yellow license plates, electric-powered vehicles, vehicles carrying disabled individuals with special signs, vehicles for special purposes escorted by the police, and cargo trucks exempted as regulated in the operational restrictions of freight transportation," she said.


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