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INP Chief Inspects Operation Ketupat in Central Java

By Cpiet Selasa, 18 April 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jawa Tengah. The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inspected Operation Ketupat in Central Java on Tuesday (18/4/23), with a significant surge of up to 300% in the number of vehicles passing through the Kalikangkung toll gate. Typically, the toll gate sees around 10,000 vehicles per hour, but the number has increased to 30,000.

He stated in an official statement that it is estimated to reach its peak maybe around tonight and tomorrow, having reached 60 thousand last year.

To alleviate the congestion, the INP has implemented a one-way system since this afternoon, starting from KM 72 of the Cipali toll road to KM 414 of the Kalikangkung toll gate, which will be centrally commanded by the Head of INP Traffic Corps and will end at midnight.

Moreover, if the vehicle capacity increases above 60 thousand, there is a possibility of implementing a local one-way system. The Central Java Regional Police and the INP Traffic Corps were instructed to coordinate with the media to conduct traffic engineering changes socialization, ensuring that the public is informed and not trapped in traffic jams.

To prevent traffic congestion and accidents, he suggested that travelers be informed to rest outside the toll road if the rest area is full, and they should be given instructions on how to re-enter the toll road.

"This option will prevent road users from stopping on the side of the road, which can cause traffic jams and accidents," he said.

Although he stated that the preparations made by the Central Java Regional Police to secure the 2023 homecoming have been good, he stressed the need for continuous evaluation of the situation by his subordinates to make the homecoming journey safer and more comfortable than the previous year.

"The ongoing evaluation is aimed at ensuring that the people's homecoming journey can be safe and comfortable," he concluded.


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