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INP Chief’s Tour of Duty Brings Six New Regional Police Chiefs

By Cpiet Minggu, 28 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (24) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has appointed six new provincial police chiefs as part of a larger rotation involving 157 senior and middle-ranking officers to refresh the organization and enhance its performance.

According to a statement received on Saturday (27/7/2024), the officer changes are detailed in Telegram Letter ST/VII/KEP/2024, signed by INP Chief Assistant for Human Resources, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, on 26 July 2024, according to antaranews.com.

Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, the INP Public Relations Division Head of Public Information Bureau, confirmed the changes, saying that such rotations are a routine process intended to enhance the effectiveness of the police force.

The new regional police chiefs are Inspector General Hendro Pandowo:, who was the Chief Expert Staff in Social and Cultural Affairs and is now appointed as Bangka Belitung Regional Police Chief, replacing Inspector General Tornagogo Sihombing, who will take on a new role outside the police structure.

Inspector General Eddy Sumitro Tambunan, the former Coordinator of the Chief Expert Staff, now is promoted to Maluku Regional Police Chief, replacing Inspector General Lotharia Latif, who is assigned outside the police structure.

Formerly the Chief of Human Resources Development, Brigadier General Ribut Hari Wibowo is now appointed as Central Java Police Chief, replacing Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, who will assume a position at the Ministry of Trade.

Inspector General Hari Sudwijanto, who was:the Chief of the INP Security and Public Safety Division, is now appointed as North Kalimantan Police Chief .  He replaced Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya, who is now Bali Regional Police Chief, replacing Inspector General Ida Bagus Kade Putra Narendra, who is retiring.

Formerly the Chief of the Police Staff Development Bureau, Brigadier General Anwar is now promoted to Bengkulu Regional Police Chief, replacing IInspector General Armed Wijaya, who will become a Senior Policy Analyst at the INP Criminal Investigation Agency.


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