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INP Reports Traffic Volume Data Amidst the Homecoming Return Flow

By Cpiet Sabtu, 13 April 2024 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Police reports the traffic situation going and exiting Jakarta. Police records traffic exiting Jakarta through Cikampek Main Toll Gate dominates with 46,422 vehicles. "While entering through Cikampek Main Toll Gate is 22,255 vehicles," says Head of Public Information Bureau of Indonesian National Police (INP) Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko on Friday (4/12/2024). Furthermore, vehicles exiting Jakarta from Merak Toll Gate eeached 8,603, while entering Jakarta through the Toll Gate reached 5,893. Moreover, traffic exiting Jakarta through Cikupa Main Toll Gate reached 17,971 vehicles, while entering Jakarta reached 21,532. "Traffic volume exiting Jakarta through Kalihurip Main Toll Gate are 33,304 vehicles, while entering Jakarta are 39,568 vehicles," said Trunoyudo. Lastly, vehicles exiting Jakarta through Ciawi Toll Gate reached 34,144 while entering Jakarta reached 28,059. (ad/ay/hn/nm)
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