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INP to Deploy 2.611 Personnel to Secure ASEAN Summit

By Cpiet Jumat, 28 April 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Labuan Bajo. Ahead of the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo taking place from May 9 to 11, 2023, the Indonesian National Police (INP) is gearing up to ensure the security and safety of the event. To this end, INP has announced the deployment of 2.611 personnel.

"Security measures will be implemented with both an open and closed system involving more than 2.611 personnel," said Operational Assistant for Chief of INP Inspector General Agung Setya Imam Effendi on Thursday (27/4/23).

He further explained that INP has thoroughly supervised the readiness of security accommodation, methods, systems, personnel, and supporting technology in accordance with the plan.

To aid in the efforts, 40 electric escort cars and 60 electric patrol motorcycles have already arrived in Labuan Bajo, with all personnel and escort vehicles scheduled to undergo training and trials on May 2, 2023.

The ASEAN Summit is set to host eight meetings over two days, with the first day comprising of five meetings and the second day comprising of three.


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