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Jakarta Police Question Minister Limpo over Extortion Allegations

By Cpiet Jumat, 06 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo visited the Jakarta Metro Police headquarters on Thursday (5/10/2023) to give statements following his report of alleged extortion against him. "After I returned from representing the country, one of the things I did today was to provide a statement and discuss various matters related to the August 12, 2023, incident, as requested by the Jakarta Metro Police Chief," he said at the Nasdem Tower in Jakarta. "Regarding the matters reported by the public, such as reports of extortion and others, I openly shared everything I know. I faced a lot of questions, and the process was quite lengthy, almost three hours," he added. Minister  Limpo expressed his exhaustion as he had just returned from overseas on an official visit. The Jakarta Metro Police has questioned six witnesses in the extortion case. Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has categorically denied his commission's involvement with the extortion case. Minister Limpo has made headline after he failed to return back home on the first of October as scheduled after his official trip to Spain and Italy.  KPK has found cash, documents and firearms during a raid in his official residence while he was abroad.  The Commission investigators had also searched his private residence in Makassar, South Sulawesi. KPK has been investigating three clusters of alleged corruption cases at the Ministry of Agriculture. These include job extortion, acceptance of gratuities, and money laundering offenses.  While KPK has not yet officially named suspects in the corruption cases, it has been alleged that the cases implicated Minister Limpo, Secretary General Kasdi Subagyono, and Director of Agricultural Machinery at the Ministry of Agriculture, Muhammad Hatta. (mg/ri/pr/nm)
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