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Jokowi: The Issue of Peace and Humanity has Always Been a Priority for Indonesia's Foreign Policy

By Cpiet Jumat, 01 Juli 2022 Pengunjung (61) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid a visit to Moscow, to meet President Vladimir Putin. This meeting aims to bring a message of peace to the conflict of Ukraine-Russia, which is still raging until now. Jokowi arrived at Kremlin on Thursday (30/6) at around 15.30 local time and immediately held a face-to-face meeting with President Putin in the State Ceremony Room of Kremlin. During the meeting, Jokowi admitted that he was ready to be a messanger of peace for Ukraine and Russia. "I have conveyed President Zelensky's message to President Putin and I conveyed my readiness to become a communication bridge between the two leaders," Jokowi said at a press conference in Russia Thursday (30/6). According to President Jokowi, the Indonesian Constitution mandates that Indonesia must always try to contribute in enforcing and maintaining world peace. "The issue of peace and humanity has always been a priority for Indonesia's foreign policy. In this context, I made visits to Kyiv and Moscow," said Jokowi. Jokowi admitted that he had also discussed with Putin regarding the availability of food and fertilizer from Ukraine and Russia. "I had many discussions and emphasized that food and fertilizer are humanitarian issues. It is in the interest of the world community and hundreds of people are affected by the disruption of the food and fertilizer supply chain, especially in developing countries," Jokowi explained. "I really appreciate President Putin, who said earlier that he will guarantee the security of food and fertilizer supplies from Ukraine and Russia, this is good news," he continued.
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