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Kapolri Ordered Brimob To Be An Example to The Society and Institution

By Cpiet Kamis, 10 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (10) 5 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Bogor. National Police Chief (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo officially opened a technical working meeting (rakernis) for the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) Corps 2022, with the theme of “Attitudes and Actions of Brimob Must and Only Oriented to the Interests of the Nation and State” at the Brimob Satlat, Cikeas, Bogor, West Java, Thursday (10 /3/2022). In his remarks, Sigit said that the Brimob Police Corps must be an example not only for the community but also for all members of the National Police (Polri), one of which is related to the national disciplinary matters as stated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the 2022 TNI-Polri Leadership Meeting. "TNI-Polri have different disciplines for the community. However, I believe the Police Mobile Brigade Corps has even higher discipline. I hope the Police Mobile Brigade Corps becomes an example not only to the community but also to all members of the Police," said Sigit when delivering his remarks. Furthermore, Sigit conveyed that the development of the strategic society is increasingly fast and uncertain, starting from the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, terrorism, the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the global energy and economic crisis, inflation, and so on. "Obviously, the development of the strategic society will affect the stability of the security and social order, thus making the challenges of Polri in the future becomes much more complex," said Sigit. The government is currently transforming Indonesia's economic policies. Therefore, Sigit emphasized to all members to guard and support the Government program optimally. "In this situation, the rapid presence of Brimob Polri troops is needed to stop and prevent conflicts from occurring. Handling conflicts and anarchic riots still must be in line with the principles of legality, proportionality, necessity, accountability, and uphold human rights," said Sigit. In 2022, Indonesia would host several international and national events. Among them are the G20 Presidency series, GPDRR, COP-4 Minamata, MotoGP and WSBK Mandalika. According to him, the success of this security will certainly increase the reputation of Indonesia in the International community. The success of these events will give a multiplier effect to the state. "Improve the competence and ability of the personnel on duty, especially in utilizing existing facilities and infrastructure. There should not be the slightest security disturbance, especially one that can attract the attention of the world. Protect the credibility of the nation as the host and prove that Indonesia is safe to visit," said Sigit. Moreover, he asked to increase the synergy and solidarity of the TNI-Polri. Ensure the public that the TNI-Polri is the correct representation of the state in providing security and order guarantees. "The state must not lose to intolerant groups, terrorism and others who disturb the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," stated Sigit. On the other hand, related to disaster management, Indonesia's geographical condition, which is in the ring of fire, has the potential to cause several natural disaster events in the future. Therefore, Sigit emphasized, all Polri personnel respond quickly when a natural disaster occurs. Considering, it is a representation of the state's presence among people when they are struggling. "Immediately provide the best support to the community to recover from the. Prioritize saving the people through search and rescue by Brimob Polri personnel with the support of the facilities and infrastructure they have," said Sigit. Facing these threats, General Sigit said the role of Brimob would become increasingly important. To overcome this challenge, Polri has now proposed the development of the Brimob Police Corps. According to him, there are two strategic issues that must be prepared to support the restructuring of the Brimob Police Corps. First, related to human resources. The development of this sector will be the significant reinforcement of the Brimob Police personnel. "Education and training of new personnel must be carried out immediately. Newly joined personnel must immediately have the competency and discipline standards possessed by the Brimob Police Corps. Human resources must be the main capital for strengthening the Brimob Police Corps," said Sigit. The second strategic issue is mastery of technology. The development of this sector must be accompanied by the improvement of modern facilities and infrastructure. The Police Mobile Brigade Corps must utilize the latest technology in carrying out its duties to deal with high-intensity and high-level crimes. "The Police Mobile Brigade Corps must follow the development of technology. In the future, the Police Mobile Brigade Corps must be able to develop technology independently," said Sigit. On this occasion, the former Head of the Propam Police Division expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation to all ranks of the Brimob Police Corps for their dedication and loyalty in carrying out their duties and obligations to deal with disturbances in security and order with high levels and intensity, including carrying out humanitarian tasks. "In the future, the Brimob Police Corps must be more professional and loved by the community to provide protection and service to the community, as well as in maintaining domestic security and order," said Sigit. In addition to opening the work meeting, Sigit also inaugurated six Pas Pioneer Battalions and two Pas Gegana Detachments of the Police Korbrimob, as the Police Korbrimob rapid response troops.
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