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Kemenkominfo Launches Inquiry into Alleged 373 Million Citizen Data Leak

By Cpiet Selasa, 18 Juli 2023 Pengunjung (88) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Communication and Information Technology Ministry (Kemenkominfo) Usman Kansong stated that they will investigate the alleged leak of 337 million population data. "Our population is around 275 million, but there are 300 million data, which means there is an excess. That's why we will examine the situation," he said on Monday (17/7/23). He mentioned that the Kemenkominfo will summon the data controllers, specifically the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) and will also coordinate with the State Cyber and Cryptography Agency (BSSN). If any data leak is found, BSSN will conduct an audit to determine the quantity and types of leaked data. The audit results will then be reported to Kemenkominfo. "We will investigate if there is any mishandling of data, and based on Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 (concerning the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions), we will determine the sanctions that can be imposed on the data controllers," he explained. The case of the alleged data leak was first revealed by a Twitter account named @DailyDarkWeb on Saturday (15/7). In one of their posts, the account stated that 337.225.465 lines of population data were being sold on a hacker forum. In the screenshots shared by the Daily Dark Web account, the hacker with the username RRR claimed to have obtained the 337 million lines of data from the official website dukcapil.kemendagri.go.id. The hundreds of millions of data contain various information such as National Identification Numbers (NIK), place and date of birth, religion, marital status, divorce certificates, mother's name, occupation, and passport numbers. (ndt/hn/um)
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