- Lampung. Lampung Regional Police helps secure the transfer of drug prisoners from Way Hui Narcotics Prison to Nusakambangan Prison.
The transfer of 21 'high risk' prisoners was carried out on Wednesday under tight guard by the Mobile Brigade Unit of Lampung Regional Police.
Head of Lampung Regional Police Public Relations, Senior Superintendent Umi Fadilah Astutik says her party was tasked by the Head of Lampung Ministry of Law and Human Rights to help secure the prisoner transfer process.
“Last night, the 21 prisoners were moved where we were tasked to help secure the process,” says Umi on Thursday (12/5/2024).
Umi also confirms that of the 21 prisoners, the former South Lampung Sub-regional Police Drug Criminal Investigation Unit Chief, Police Senior Inspector Andre Gustami, where he was sentenced for death for getting involved with the Fredy Pratama drug ring.
On the other hand, Umi confirms that 13 mobile brigade personnel were involved in the prisoner transfer operation.
This transfer process aims to address potential risks posed by the prisoners who are considered incredibly dangerous.