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Lebak Police Chief Invites His Personnel to Cycling Around the Village

By Cpiet Sabtu, 10 September 2022 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - To maintain the body fitness while also relaxing the mind, the Head of the Lebak Police invites his personnel to go around the Rangkasbitung Village with bike, Friday, (09/09/2022). The activity was led directly by The Head of the Lebak Police, AKBP Wiwin Setiawan, and accompanied by the Head of the Human Resources Division, Commissioner Nono Haroto, followed by the main officials of the Lebak Police and personnel. AKBP Wiwin Setiawan, explained that the main officials and personnel of Lebak Police went around Rangkasbitung Village by exercising leisurely cycling. This joint sports activity, is a routine activity carried out every Friday morning in order to maintain health, strength, and fitness. "Hopefully, with this regular exercise activity, the personnel of the Lebak Police will always stay fit, so they can carry out their duties and provide the best service to the community," concluded the Lebak Police Chief.
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