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LEMKAPI Awards Medan Police For Their Contribution on the Society

By Cpiet Sabtu, 05 November 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id -  Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute awarded the Medan Police with the Presisi Award for their performance which was considered successful in fostering students involved in motorcycle gangs. The award was handed over at the event which took place in the Lobby of the Medan Police Headquarters, Thursday (3/11). The event was also attended by the Medan Police Chief, Commissioner Valentino Alfa Tatareda, Deputy Chief of Medan Police, AKBP Yudhi Hery Setiawan, and Head Ops of Medan Police, AKBP. Arman Muis. The Medan Police Chief expressed his gratitude to the Executive Director of Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute , Edi Hasibuan who has given the award. "Hopefully with this award, we would be better better at maintaining peace and security in the city of Medan," said the Medan Police Chief. Edi Hasibuan, said this award was based on his research that the Medan Polrestabes had done a lot for security, not only in taking action against criminals, but also providing guidance to the adolescent. "Medan Police have done a lot for security, not only in taking action against criminals, but also providing guidance to students who are involved in motorcycle gangs in Medan," said the Executive Director of Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute.
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