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Lightning Strike Claims One Life, Leaves 11 Injured in Bali

By Cpiet Minggu, 28 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jembrana. A devastating incident unfolded in the rice fields of Budeng Village, Jembrana, Bali, as 12 people were struck by lightning during a sudden rain shower, claiming one life and injured 11 others. One of the surviving victims remains in critical condition, two sustained serious injuries, and eight others suffered minor injuries, antaranews.com reported The victims, all employed as watermelon harvesters, were working in the fields when the incident occurred around 3 pm, said Senior Inspector Agus Riwayanto Diputra, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Jembrana Sub-regional Police. The workers had commenced harvesting on five plots of land at approximately 1.30 pm. However, as they completed three plots by 2.30 pm, a light drizzle prompted them to seek shelter. Twelve individuals took refuge in a shack in the middle of the fields, while another sought shelter in a nearby residence. "The lightning struck those sheltering in the field's shack. They were unaware of the exact details as they lost consciousness instantly," he explained. One of the survivors, Sariani, recounted being thrown out of the shack when the lightning struck. Upon regaining consciousness, she witnessed her colleagues lying unconscious around the shelter. The survivors were rushed to the hospital for medical attention. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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