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Maluku Announced Will Soon Implement ETLE

By Cpiet Rabu, 21 September 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id -  The police has installed the cameras and will apply the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) soon enough in Ambon. This is part of their effort in providing transparency and legal certainty. "ETLE is actually one of the technological advances in terms of speed and transparency," said the Maluku Police Chief, Inspector General Lotharia Latif, after opening a training program at the Manise Hotel, Ambon city, Tuesday (20/9/2022). According to him, the presence of ETLE in Ambon will be very useful. In addition to providing transparency, the public is no longer in direct contact with the police when they are caught committing violations. "If a violation is found, there is no longer any contact between the officers and the community. So everything, from recording and filling the data, will be recorded and cannot be denied anymore," said the Maluku Police Chief. The Maluku Police Chief explained that the drivers who was proven violated the law in ETLE, will immediately sent to the court to settle the matters. “So there would be no more rooms for officers to violate the laws or abuse their power to the drivers who just violated the traffic law. That is the main purpose of why we implement ETLE,” said Inspector General Lotharia Latif. Regarding when is the implementation of ETLE, he said it is soon enough.
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