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Manpower Minister Takes Stern Action Against Job Vacancy Information Hoax

By Pramudita Senin, 02 September 2024 Pengunjung (34) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Manpower Ministry formed the Job Vacancy Hoax Handling Task Force.

“This job vacancy hoax disturbs us and negatively affects the job seekers. Therefore, we are taking firm action against this matter,” said the Secretary General of Manpower Ministry, Anwar Sanusi on Friday (8/30/2024).

The Job Vacancy Hoax Prevention Posts can be accessed through various channels, such as call centers, WhatsApp, web sites, and the official social media of the Manpower Ministry.

“We are also working together with the Manpower Department in the region and implore them to establish the same post so people can report the case at the region to them,” said Anwar.

To help the job seekers, the ministry provides job vacancy information through  www.karirhub.kemnaker.go.id. The ministry also colaborates with the Indonesian National Police to directly inspect the parties that allegedly scam the job seekers.

“We implore the public to always verify the job vacancy information, particularly those spread through social media,” Anwar says.

In their long term plans, the ministry plans to implement QR Code registration for each job vacancy, in line with Presidential Regulation Number 57 of 2023 concerning Mandatory Job Vacancy Reporting. This step aims to validate job vacancy information more efficiently.

With these various strategies, the Ministry of Manpower hopes to reduce the negative impact of job vacancy hoaxes and increase protection for job seekers in Indonesia.


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