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Massive Fire Engulfed a House and Mini Market in Bunga Bali, Claimed Three Lives

By Admin INP Sabtu, 08 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (88) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - East Nusa Tenggara. The massive fire hit the settlement in Bunga Bali, Kalabahi Timur Village, Teluk Mutiara District, Alor Regency, on Thursday (3/6/2025) at 14.20 pm. 

People, along with the local authorities, including the Alor Sub-regional Police, military, and firefighters worked together to extinguish the fire.

Moments after the fire broke out, Alor Sub-regional Police personnel immediately went to the location to secure the area and assist in the evacuation process. Together with the military members and firefighters, they tried to extinguish the fire using water tankers, fire engines, and simple equipment.

The surrounding community also participated in the extinguishing and evacuation efforts. With a spirit of mutual cooperation, they helped carry water, direct fire hoses, and evacuate items that could still be saved.

"We are very grateful for the quick response and synergy shown by the Alor Sub-regional Police, military, Fire Department, and the community. Without their help, the losses would probably have been greater," said one of the residents who was an eyewitness.

After struggling for several hours, the fire that engulfed a house, a minimarket, and a food stall was finally extinguished. However, deep sorrow enveloped the scene because three people, a mother and her two children, were found dead inside the house.

Head of the Alor Sub-regional Police, Superintendent Supriadi Rahman expressed his condolences for the loss and appreciated the hard work of all parties who were involved in extinguishing the fire.

“We will carry out an investigation on this case to seek out the cause of this fire incident,” says Rahman.

Material losses due to the fire are estimated to reach approximately IDR 380,000,000. The three victims were buried at the Kadelang Islamic Cemetery (TPI) at 19.20 WITA, attended by the Regent and Deputy Regent of Alor, as well as the local police.


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