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Metro Jaya Regional Police Assures FB Case Investigation Remains Continue

By Pramudita Selasa, 03 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (162) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Metro Jaya Regional Police assure that the corruption allegation case on Firli Bahuri (FB) remains continued. However, the suspect's legal team has written to the Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP) to request the case be stopped.

“His legal team is welcome to do as they see fit, but we firmly stated and guarantee that this case investigation and handling will remain continue to be carried out professionally, transparent, and with accountability,” said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Senior Superintendent Ade Safri Simanjuntak on Monday (12/2/2024).

It is known that the suspect was again summoned by the police on November 28th, 2024. However, FB did not answer the summons.

The suspect's attorney then went to Metro Jaya Regional Police to provide a letter to the Chief of Metro Jaya Regional Police. Then, to INP Headquarters to provide a letter to the Chief of INP.

The letter explained that the case was claimed to be materially flawed and deserved to be stopped.


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