- Jakarta. The Traffic Directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police reviews several strategic locations that will be used by people from Jakarta to West Java.This activity aims to ensure infrastructure readiness, smooth traffic flow, and detect potential obstacles or accident-prone points, especially ahead of the Lebaran homecoming flow.
"One of the main focuses is checking the South II Japek (Jakarta-Cikampek) Toll Road which is connected to the Sadang-Cikarang Toll Road via the Deltamas Toll exit," explained the Director of Traffic of Metro Jaya Regional Police, Senior Superintendent M. Latif Usman on Wednesday (3/12/2025).
Latig and his entourage also directly reviewed the Security Post at Simpang Sukabunga, Cikarang which is planned to be a diversion point for vehicle flow towards the KM 37 Cikarang Timur Toll Gate and the KM 34 Cibatu Toll Gate.
Furthermore, Latif also inspects the locations prone to congestion, especially on the Kalimalang to Kedungwaringin section which is often to be a crowded point for homecoming traffic. In addition, checks were carried out on the Bekasi-Karawang border security post located in the PT Indo Beras Unggul (PT IBU) area, Kedungwaringin.
“As part of our 2025 Ketupat Operation, we are doing intensive coordination with various stakeholders including the Indonesian National Police Traffic Corps to ensure the infrastructure and service preparation for the people during the homecoming season is ready,” explains Latif.