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Minister Asked Airlines to Set Reasonable Ticket Prices for Homecoming Season

By Cpiet Selasa, 19 Maret 2024 Pengunjung (12) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian warns air lines to not “rigged” the ticket sells price for the 2024 homecoming season. Tito has previously asked the Transportation Ministry, particularly the Air Transportation Directorate General to summon all airlines and to coordinate. “There is upper limit rate for the ticket sales, and I asked you not to pick the highest price, do not take advantage of this moment for your own benefit. There are many who are going to use your service and you set the price to its highest rate for your own benefit. I Implore you not as the impact would be an inflation,” says the Minister through the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs YouTube Channel on Monday (3/18/2024). Meanwhile, the Air Transportation Directorate General has reported there are 420 airplanes ready to serve for the 2024 homecoming season. The directorate general has estimated there will be at least 4.4 million people going with the airplanes. The number shows there is an increase for 12% compared to 2023. Moreover, the highest number for travel before Eid predicted to be on April 6th, 2024 with 178,961 people. While after Eid will be on April 14th, 2024, with 130,624 people. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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