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Minister Maruarar Highlights Strong Determination in Housing People

By Pramudita Kamis, 14 November 2024 Pengunjung (154) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Maruarar Sirait emphasized the importance of strong efforts and determination in the project of housing people.

“I just want to be useful for the people, country, and the world, that’s all I am thinking of,” said Minister Maruarar on Monday (11/11/2024).

He emphasized the importance of strong efforts and determination to house the people in need. Such efforts include trying to provide free land, efficiency, tax reduction and ease of licensing. In addition, cooperation is also needed to build decent houses for people who do not have houses in Indonesia.

Minister Maruarar noted that in building this nation, transparency is a strength for anti-corruption as the more people supervise, the better.

Furthermore, he noted that his party continues to campaign for the spirit of mutual cooperation in the program of building 3 million housing units.

His party opens up opportunities for all parties, both government, ministries/institutions, regional governments, military, police, state-owned enterprises, private sector and the wider community to participate in making housing development in Indonesia a success.

According to President Prabowo Subianto's direction, housing problems for the Indonesian people must be immediately resolved. He says that people really need policy support and the construction of livable houses as quickly as possible.

To follow up the president’s direction, Maruarar has set the time for each program and is trying to increase the use of non-State Budget in providing housing.


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