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Minister Meutya Invites Indonesian Youths to Build Digital Industry Landscape in the Country

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (120) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Communication and Digital (Menkomdigi) Meutya Hafid emphasized the role of youth in building the national digital sector can bring progress to the nation.

To realize that goal, Meutya invites the youth of Indonesia to take part in advancing the digital industry landscape in the country.

"The government invites and calls on Indonesian youth to actively participate in realizing the vision of a digitally smart, inclusive, and safe Indonesia. On this day of Youth Pledge Day, we have to work together in making Indonesia a superior nation in the digital era," said Meutya at the 96th Youth Pledge Day Commemoration Ceremony at the Ministry of Communication and Digital Office, Central Jakarta on Monday (10/28/2024).

In supporting the advancement of the national digital sector, the Minister of Communication and Digital explained several steps that needed to be taken in realizing the goal.

One of the ways is by equalizing internet access for the Frontier, Remote, and Underdeveloped (3T) areas so that access to information and technology is more equal throughout Indonesia.

Not only that, digital literacy will also be further promoted in these areas so that the use of internet access can be more optimal in advancing the nation.

"We must also invite young people in developed areas to support young people in the 3T regions so that they can work together," said Meutya.

In her closing statement, the Meutya invited all stakeholders and the academic community to face major changes in the digital landscape.

"Let us carry out this noble duty together with strong enthusiasm and commitment. This is the time for us to make meaningful changes for our beloved country," calls Meutya.


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