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Minister Tito Urged Regional Heads to Boost Regional Original Income

By Admin INP Selasa, 25 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (68) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, praised the local government heads who saw the importance of boosting the Regional Original Income (PAD) as its improvement can smoothen the central and regional program implementation.

"How can we make an income if we spend too much? If we are able to make our income bigger than our spending, then  we can do anything, we can make any program," he said, during his opening remarks on the 2025 Regional Head Briefing Retreat, as reported on the RRI on Saturday (2/22/2025).

He further explains that the improvement of PAD will give a greater positive impact on the regional program and service success.

Therefore, he appealed to regional heads including governors, regents, and mayors to focus on increasing PAD. Based on records collected by the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are several regions whose PAD values ​​tend to be smaller than the realization of spending.

These regions are known to rely heavily on their budget sources from Central Government Transfer funds. For that reason, he appealed to regional heads to think about increasing PAD.

Tito Karnavian also encouraged regional heads to be creative and innovative in increasing PAD as it could be useful for increasing the fiscal strength of the APBD.

According to him, if PAD can be improved, the private sector in the region can also be funded. However, he also encouraged regional heads to start implementing budget efficiency as per Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2025.

Several components such as stationery shopping, official travel, and maintenance costs need to be made efficient. "My colleagues, please do the efficiency as instructed. Paid attention to your spending," he explained.


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