- Jakarta. Supreme Court Spokesperson, Yanto, highlighted the welfare of judges in Indonesia as he saw that the judges welfare is one of the main factors in maintaining the integrity of the judiciary.
On this occasion, he explained that the Supreme Court continues to strive to improve the welfare of judges through revision of regulations.
"The Supreme Court has submitted several proposals for revision of the PP (Government Regulation) regarding the welfare of judges," he said on Saturday (2/22/2025).
He emphasized that improving welfare is important to maintain the integrity and professionalism of judges.
"It is impossible to demand that judges have integrity if their welfare is still ignored," he said.
He further stated that the government has a responsibility to improve the welfare of judges. He argued that the revision of the PP should include basic salary, expensive allowance, and trial allowance.
"The revision of the regulation must ensure that judges receive welfare that is in accordance with their responsibilities," he explained. He also revealed that the workload of judges is very heavy, especially in remote areas.
He highlighted the government's commitment to fulfilling its promise to improve the welfare of judges. The Supreme Court continues to oversee the implementation of policies so that the welfare of judges can be improved in real terms.