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Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Saw Huge Potential in Palembang

By Pramudita Kamis, 19 September 2024 Pengunjung (16) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno invited students to develop tourism potential in Palembang.


In his eyes, he saw that Palembang has tourism potential that should be introduced through quality events, such as sports events.


"Palembang is the center of sports tourism development in Indonesia and this is what Poltekpar Palembang specializes in to attract world-class sports events to Palembang," said Sandiaga on Tuesday (9/17/2024).


Furthermore, he also revealed that not only as a sports tourism destination, Palembang is a destination known for culinary tourism. Based on the results of the Independent Assessment of Creative Regency/City of Indonesia (PM3KI), culinary was selected as the mainstay creative economy sub-sector in Palembang.


"66 percent of tourists always look for local culinary specialties when they visit a tourist destination. This makes Palembang can be proposed as a UNESCO creative city so that it can open up wider business opportunities and employment for the people in Palembang," he said.



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