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North Kalimantan Arrested Head of Sea Transportation Traffic for Corruption

By Cpiet Sabtu, 12 November 2022 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The North Kalimantan Regional Police detained the Head of the Sea Transportation Traffic Section of Tarakan Port Authority and Harbor Authority (KSOP) with the initials of IS. IS was detained on suspicion of a criminal act of corruption, extortion or gratuity in reporting Ship Arrival and Departure Wards. He is currently being detained at North Kalimantan Regional Police Headquarters in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, Thursday (10/11/22). "Based on the investigator's considerations, IS will first be detained for 20 days," said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation of North Kalimantan Police, Commissioner Hendy Febrianto Kurniawan, quoted from Antaranews, Friday (11/11/22). Initially, IS was examined as a witness during the Hand Capture Operation (OTT) which was carried out at the Tarakan KSOP Office on Tuesday (8/11/22) night, then he was named a suspect based on the statements of witnesses and evidence obtained by investigators. "We received complaints from several sea transportation entrepreneurs that there is extortion by unscrupulous individuals, so we carried out monitoring and taking action against it," explained Commissioner Hendy. The operation was done to quickly so it would not disturb harbor and port service.
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