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North Kalimantan Police Thwarted the Circulation of 4,940 Illegal Cosmetics

By Cpiet Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The Special Criminal Investigation of the North Kalimantan Police thwarted the circulation of 4,940 cosmetics and various types of illegal beauty products from the hands of SD, the suspect. "From our arrest, Briliant brand cosmetics were found at Tarakan Port and based on the statements of witnesses, it was found that the sender of cosmetics to Tarakan was on behalf of the SD," said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation of North Kalimantan Police, Commissioner Hendy F. Kurniawan, in his statement quoted from Republika.co.id, Thursday (27/10/22). According to him, the suspect SD acted as a supplier of goods in Sebatik, Nunukan. The thousands of illegal cosmetics came from manufacturers from the Philippines who were imported from Tawau, Malaysia. The goods do not have a distribution permit from BPOM and are suspected of containing dangerous chemicals of Hydroquinone and Tretinon. "SD admitted to having smuggled the cosmetics dozens of times from Tawau, Malaysia, and distributed them to the Tarakan, Nunukan, and Bulungan areas," he said further. He continued that his party will continue to develop this case to retail agents, so that the people of North Kalimantan are protected from the dangers of these cosmetics. "The trading route of Tawau Sebatik has the potential to become an entry point for various goods for economic needs, while also posed as threats due to its potential for criminal acts, and endangering public health," he explained. As a result of his actions, the suspect will be charged with Article 197 Jo 106 paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law no. 36 of 2009 concerning Health as amended in Article 60 number 10 of Law no. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and or Article 196 of Law no. 39 of 2009 concerning Health.
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