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North Kalimantan Regional Police Uncovers International Drug Rings

By Cpiet Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (36) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Bulungan. The North Kalimantan Regional Police held a Press Conference following drug criminal case uncovering. The conference was led by North Kalimantan Regional Police Chief Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto.

On that occasion, Harry says his institution has successfully uncovered the international drug ring of Malaysia-East Kalimantan-South Sulawesi.

The case uncovering began on Saturday, July 27th, 2024 at 01.00 am where the police gained information from the public that there would be a drug transaction near Panca Agung Village.

After deploying units to the location, at 03.00 am, police arrested a man named Marthen Luther Panggalo alias Talinga who was trying to get two bags from its hiding place. In the bags, police found 15 packages of meth, packaged with a chinese tea bag.

Following interrogation on Talinga, police got another name, J alias T who is still on the run. J is the one who cooked the meth and delivered it by an unknown courier to Panca Agung Village. The meth was planned to be delivered to Samarinda by Talinga and his three friends using a rented car. His friends ran away when they saw Talinga was arrested by the police.

Acting as one of the drug couriers, Talinga was asked to deliver the 15 kg of meth and he was promised to be paid 100 million IDR.

The suspect was charged under Article 114 paragraph (2) of Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of the Death Penalty.

During the conference, the North Kalimantan Regional Police Chief declares a commitment to eradicate drug flows, working together with all related stakeholders.


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