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Pancasila Values Implementation Assessed to be not Optimal Yet at Schools

By Admin INP Selasa, 25 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (60) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. FSGI (Federation of Indonesian Teachers Unions) assesses that the implementation of Pancasila values ​​in the world of education in the country is still a challenge. The Chairperson of the FSGI Expert Council, Retno Listyati, admitted that one of the principles of Pancasila, namely democracy, has not been implemented properly.

One example expressed by Retno Listyati was the case of the dismissal of honorary teachers who complained about their salaries on social media. According to her, this action violates the rights of citizens who should uphold democratic values.

"Honorary teachers who voice injustice are actually fired. This shows that the principles of democracy have not been implemented properly," she said on Sunday (2/23/2025).

Furthermore, she also highlighted the case of a female student who was threatened because she had a different opinion about the Palestinian conflict. Retno is concerned that children would instead absorb values ​​that conflict with those of Pancasila from incidents like this.

Retno emphasized that Pancasila is not just a theory, but must be practiced in real life. She criticized the education system for not fully reflecting the values ​​of Pancasila.

She was also worried about the long-term impact of practices that are not in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila. Thus, the younger generation who see injustice and violations of democratic rights are worried that they will imitate this behavior.

It was emphasized that character education should be emphasized more and not just be a formal subject. 

"Without the appropriate practice of Pancasila, children find it difficult to understand its meaning," Retno explained.

Therefore, she invited schools, parents, and the community to set an example in implementing Pancasila values.

"The media, teachers, parents, and the surrounding environment must be real examples of how Pancasila values ​​are applied in everyday life," Retno concluded


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