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Papua Police Chief Attends Road to World Anti-Corruption Day 2023

By Cpiet Kamis, 16 November 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura. Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri, the Chief of Papua Regional Police, attended the closing ceremony of the Road to World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) 2023, which also included the recognition of efforts to combat corruption in Papua here on Wednesday (15/11/2023). Dignitaries present included Corruption Eradication Komission (KPK) Deputy Chairman Johanis Tanak, KPK Region V Deputy Coordinator and Supervisor Budi Waluya, KPK Deputy Coordinator and Supervisor  Inspector General Didik Agung Widjanarko, Secretary of Papua Administration Y. Derek Hegemur, Chief of Regional State Intelligence Body (Kabinda) in Papua Major General (ret) Gustav Agus Irianto, Acting Assistant II for Economics and Social Welfare Papua Administration Secretary Suzana Wanggai, and other officials from various government agencies. This year's Hakordia 2023 event was themed  "Synergy to Eradicate Corruption for a Progressive Indonesia" and was part of the commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day, which is scheduled to be held in Jakarta on 9 December 2023. In his speech, the Deputy Coordinator and Supervisor of KPK RI emphasised the need for increased cooperation between APIP (Audit Board of Indonesia) and law enforcement agencies in handling corruption cases in Papua province. "KPK with its authority will continuously facilitate and strengthen the synergy between law enforcement agencies and APIP in handling corruption cases," said General Didik. He highlighted the challenges posed by evolving crime patterns, including corruption, and stressed the importance of synergy, cooperation and public participation in the collective effort to combat corruption. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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